Completion of offshore structures

In March 2016 SINKOS hat completed the manufacture of 500 T steel frames as Davits launchers for offshore project. They are part of rescue Davits lauchers to be mounted on sea platforms.


Completion of chemical plant extension in Police

In July 2016 SINKOS completed the extension of chemical production plant in Police. The project has comprised new foundation, tight basin compartment for storage tanks, supports for pipelines, steel staircases and platforms, technological pipes with pumps and fittings, loading-station, assembly of storage tanks.


Completion of chemical plant development in Wroclaw

In August 2016 SINKOS completed the extension of chemical production plant in Wroclaw. The project has comprised new foundation, tight basin compartment for storage tanks, supports for pipelines, steel staircases and platforms on two levels, technological pipes with pumps and fittings, , assembly of storage tanks, reactors and mixers with agitators.


Completion of three storage tanks for fuel

In October 2016 SINKOS completed the erection of three storage tanks for fuels for marine navy. The tanks have been erected as double-bottom and dual shell and equipped with foam extinguishing safety system. The main tanks have been thermal insulated.


Tanks for Power Plant Opole

In November 2016 SINKOS completed the construction and delivery of 16 steel tanks for Power Plant Opole, ordered by the general contractor – ALSTOM Power / GE Power. The tanks had capacity range from 60 up to 3500m3 and installed as a part of a desulphurization system. All tanks had a special surface protection system, some of them also a rubber cladding inside.


Completion of three tanks for fuel in Gdynia

In November 2015 SINKOS has completed the construction of three tanks for fuel in Gdynia. The tanks with double bottom and shell have capacity each 700m3. The water tightness test in planned to be performed end of November. On spring 2016 there will be performed surface treatment.

Offshore containers for extinguishing system NOVEC

In July 2015 SINKOS has completed the manufacture and sent to client two stainless steel 316L containers for offshore extinguishing system NOVEC. The units will be equipped in piping and technical fittings in Norway.

Completion of steel structures for offshore project Martin Linge

In end of July 2015 SINKOS has concluded a contract for manufacture of steel offshore structures for project Martin Linge. The last parts have been sent to surface treatment process.

Completion of the project in Chemical plant Zlotniki

In end of June 2015 SINKOS has concluded a contract for construction works and furnishings for chemical plant in Zlotniki.  It have been completed construction works of foundations and montage of technological tanks as well as steel platforms and chutes. Additionally it have been fixed the feeding and outlet pipework.

Completion of steel silos for cereal products

In April 2015 SINKOS has completed and delivered four steel  silos for cereal products. These units have been elaborated in system design&build. They will be installed in cereal-flower production plant in Leipzig, Germany.

Reactor for Kemira

In May 2015 SINKOS has completed assembly and final montage of a stainless steel  reactor for liquid chemicals. The reactor has been assembled in production plant in Police.

Sludge Dryer In stainless steel

End of March SINKOS has delivered the completed sludge dryer to the final client in Legnica. The dryer has process  capacity 15 m3/hour. The device has been constructed in stainless steel  acc. to Danish technological documentation. It will be installed in Waste water treatment plant in Legnica as a part of  sludge drying & incineration system.

New production facilities of SINKOS

In July 2014 there was completed construction of  Painting Shop building as a brand new facility for Sinkos. The building consists of three main chambers for steel surface treatment: shot blasting for carbon steel, spraying protective painting (for black steel), and pickling & passivation (for stainless steel). The supplier of the technological chambers was French company SCITEX

Completion of fuel tanks for ORLEN
In September 2014 SINKOS succeeded to compete two steel tanks for fuel for ORLEN S.A. in Ostrow Wielkopolski. These  cylindrical tanks with double bottom and shell have capacity 500m3. The construction works have been performed on time. Leak test for tanks has proved to be positive.

Tank for liquid chemicals
In April 2014 SINKOS completed successfuly a steel tank 1500m3 for ethandichloride (EDC) in Chemical Plant ANWIL S.A.  in Wloclawek. The project apart  of construction works comprised also elaboration of technical documentation with UDT approval. The tank was completed together with surface treatment and fire safety system.

Duplex steel tanks for Norway
In May 2014 SINKOS has completed manufacture of duplex steel tanks for Norwegian client. Tanks have passed the handover procedure (as leak test, TUV testing) and delivered the client on time.

Stainless steel tank
In May 2014 SINKOS has delivered to the copper mine company KGHM the stainless steel shell of tank in high grade of steel 1.4541. The shell of tank capacity 400m3 was pre-fabricated by rolling method therefore cutting time of erection. Tightness of welds have been examined by NDT (RTG, PT), final handover tests proved to be positive.

Tanks for potable water

In first half of November SINKOS has completed and handed over to a Danish client three tanks for potable water, The capacity was 100m3 and diameter 3,40 m. The tanks will be installed in water-intake station near Copenhagen. According to the technical documentation, the inside thickness of paint has 600 um.

Offshore platforms

Middle November SINKOS has completed three steel platforms for project Gina Krog. The structure steel was S355NH and AISI 316L. The erection of platforms demanded high precision in performance of 3D elements. The objects have been sent  to Norway by  sea transport.

Gas dispersers for heating plants
In 2014 SINKOS completed the production of several Gas Disperser for  clients in Denmark, Czech and Poland.  The steel objects have been destined for heat and  power plants, to be mounted on chimneys as part of sulfur reduction installation. Because of large dimensions the gas dispersers had to be divided in four parts before shipment.

Tanks for Norway

In 2014 SINKOS has completed the manufacture of steel tanks for oil-water treatment plant in Norway. The task comprised also the elaboration of technical documentation acc. to Norsok code. Tanks after NDT & leak tests have been sent to client in Norway.

Offshore structure:

SINKOS for several years supply its services on offshore field of structures, which are destined to North Sea for oil and gas mining industry. SINKOS regularly  increases its offer in this sector of activity with new products  diversified by its function and  complicity. Increasing number of orders confirm the gained confidence of clients and high quality of services.

Modular biogas tanks:

In June 2013 SINKOS has manufactured 4 tanks for biogas production, Feeding Modules 20m3, for a customer from Danmark and final market in USA. The workshop drawings have been elaborated by SINKOS. Material for tanks: stainless steel AISI 316L.

Tanks for ZCH Puławy:

As a result of won tender SINKOS in September 2012 has completed construction of tanks for chemical works Pulawy. In spite of short time of realization tanks have been successfully completed due to innovative rolling-method od manufacture.

Material: stainless steel AISI 316L.

Tanks for sugar factory:

In his product range SINKOS has technological tanks for sugar factory, constructed in 2012.

Place of investment: Opalenica.
Material: carbon steel.
General Design Engineer: Chemadex SA.

Tanks for liquid fat:

In September 2012 SINKOS completed tankfarm for 8 tanks capacity 150m3 and 400m3in stainless steel AISI 304L for liquid fat for feed production. Technical design of tanks was developed in SINKOS.

Tanks for treatment plant Maspex:

In September 2012 SINKOS nad completed tank farm for industrial treatment plant of Maspex in Olsztynek.

Material for tanks: stainless steel AISI 304L.

Stainless steel silo:

In April 2012 SINKOS  manufactured stailness steel silos for chemical industry designed for storage of chemical products. Due to large diameter the transport was organized as over-sized vehicle.

Plasma oven casing:

In 2012 SINKOS succeeded to construct the plasma oven casing in stainless steel, which has begun a new challenge in products range up to now by demanded highest level of precision and quality.

Tanks in Duplex:

In 2011 SINKOS has completed construction of large capacity tanks 5200m3 and 2800m3 made in duplex steel LDX2101 for Anwil SA. Due to duplex it was succeeded to go down with maximal thickness of plates from 15 mm to 8mm.

Chute for coal mine:

SINKOS use to produce diverse and untypical structures in steel. As an example Ä‚˘Ä‚‚€Ä‚‚“ chute for coal mine in stainless steel AISI 321 for a German operatorm, destined for Russian market.

Ammonia water storage tank:

SINKOS in December 2011 manufactured  tanks for 24% ammonia water. These tanks demand very high level of tightness and application of stainless steel  shell.

Vertical tanks with 4- and 3- chambers:

SINKOS manufactured in 2011 and 2012 new vertical containers 150 m3 for storage of different chemicals in one tank, with four and three vertical chambers. This is brand new solution in storage industry  not met before, which consist of a few vertical chambers  for storage of different type of resin. This is an example of innovative approach to solving problems with storing of different products in one object.

Sludge dryers:

SINKOS since 2007 has became an experienced manufacturer of sludge dryers which demand high level of precision and productivity. Sludge dryers are destined for recycling of sludge after processing of water in treatment plants, where the sludge is being dryed up to grasde over 90% of dry mass which enables consequently its combustion in incineration plants. By now SINKOS has produced this structures for market in Poland, Ireland, France and USA.

Sludge containers:

SINKOS has broaden its pallet of products for sludge from waste water  treatment plants. These are steel containers with individual features dedicated each time to another type of sludge. These structures use to be manufactured mainly in stainless steel but as well  in carbon steel.

Wykonanie suszarni osadów ze stali AISI 304 (10t) oraz stali S235 (15t), przeznaczonych do pracy w nowoczesnych komunalnych oczyszczalniach ścieków, dla odbiorców w Irlandii oraz Stanach Zjednoczonych w stanie Minnesota.

Prefabrykacja elementów stalowych przeznaczonych do siłowni wiatrowych, wykonanych ze stali niestopowych, chronionych powłoką cynkową, o całkowitej masie 90t, dla odbiorcy duńskiego z branży energetycznej.

Wykonanie rurociągów technologicznych o łącznej długości ok 300m, z rur o średnicach od 15mm do 114mm, o grubości ścianek od 2mm do 5mm, ze stali AISI 316, przeznaczonych do pracy w nowo powstałej oczyszczalni ścieków komunalnych POMORZANY w Szczecinie.

Budowa hali instalacji koagulantów stosowanych w procesach uzdatniania wody i oczyszczania ścieków (PIX), o powierzchni 311m2, całkowita masa wykorzystanych elementów 43 tony, oraz rozbudowa  zakładu produkcyjnego z branży chemicznej, zakres prac obejmował powiększenie powierzchni użytkowej instalacji koagulantów PAX o 190m2, przy wykorzystaniu 26.5t materiałów konstrukcyjnych.

Realizacja wg własnych projektów różnych wersji mieszadła z oprzyrządowaniem, 6 łopatkowego z tytanu typu GRADE7 o długości 2,5m oraz 3 łopatkowego ze stali S275 o długości 3,4m o łącznej masie 0.4t, dla odbiorcy z branży przemysłu chemicznego.

Wykonanie 21 pojemników kontenerowych ze stali kwasoodpornej AISI 321 oraz zwykłej S235 stali niestopowej o łącznej masie 28 ton, wg własnego projektu, dla nowo powstałej oczyszczalni ścieków komunalnych POMORZANY w Szczecinie.

The first in Poland tank made from duplex with the rolling-method.

SINKOS has managed to implement the complicated technology of welding of duplex into it`s production processes. For the first time in Poland it manufactured a technological tank with the capacity of 5.000 m3 from this sort of steel made with a rolling-method.

Delivery of 24 technological tanks for the European modernest Ethanol Production Plant in Goświnowice by Nysa (Poland)

Our delivery comprised 16 process tanks: 9 units from stainless steel (capacity up to 1.440m3) and 7 units made from black steels (cap. up to 3 Thsd m3).

Gas dispersers:

SINKOS since 2008 manufactures steel structures of gas dispersers for purification of fume ducts of coal burn power stations. By now SINKOS has produced gas dispersers for customer from Danmark, for stations in Italy, France and Germany.

Prefabrykacja płaszczy magazynowych 4 zbiorników na produkty naftowe V 1000 m3 – wykonanie metodą rulonową.

Lekkie osłony taśmociągów z poliwęglanu na terenie Zakładów Chemicznych POLICE S.A.

10 zbiorników stalowych na klej do opon dla odbiorcy japońskiego z branży motoryzacyjnej.

Wykonanie 2 suszarni osadu dla powstającej oczyszczalni ścieków komunalnych POMORZANY w Szczecinie.

Konstrukcje stalowe platform wiertniczych na Morze Północne – wielkogabarytowe przestrzenne konstrukcje ze stali kwasoodpornej i czarnej, transport barką.

2 zbiorniki typu Actifloc ze stali kwasoodpornej AISI 304 i 316 o łącznej wadze 18 ton.

Pipes and Venturi tubes:

Since 2007 SINKOS produces Venturi tubes with different diameter, starting from 400 mm up to 2800 mm.

Material: stainless steel and carbon steel.

Budowa 2 zbiorników na dodatki do biopaliw dla bazy PKN ORLEN w Szczecinie.

Remont komina stalowego o wysokości 72,5 m i średnicy 2,2 m – prefabrykacja komina ze stali AISI 321, stalowych podestów i schodów, wyburzenie istniejącej wewnętrznej powłoki komina, montaż gotowych elementów komina za pomocą dźwigu poprzez wlot istniejącego komina.

Konstrukcje stalowe platform wiertniczych na Morze Północne – wielkogabarytowe przestrzenne konstrukcje ze stali kwasoodpornej i czarnej, transport barką.

30 ton cyklonów ze stali czarnej S235JRG2 dla elektrowni w Neapolu – urządzenia służące do wytrącania azotu z dymu przeznaczone…………

100 ton konstrukcji kanałów i kominów ze stali kwasoodpornej dla elektrowni Kiruna w Szwecji – urządzenia do napędzania turbin prądotwórczych.

Budowa zespołu wody technologicznej do obróbki THERMIX dla zakładu mięsnego z grupy Smithfield Foods Inc. – 4 zbiorniki ze stali AISI 304 o pojemności 90 i 120 m3 z izolacją termiczną, rurociągi technologiczne DN 200 ze stali AISI 304 o długości 1800 m, stalowe konstrukcje wsporcze, budynek pompowni i sterowania.

8 zbiorników stalowych na żywicę epoksydową o pojemności 50 i 60m3, projekt wraz z uzgodnieniem z UDT – dla producenta farb lakierów i impregnatów.

Dostawa zbiorników ze stali kwasoodpornej do nowopowstającej, beztlenowej oczyszczalni ścieków dla producenta soków – reaktor IC i Circox oraz 4 zbiorniki procesowe o pojemnościach od 32 do 1520 m3 i wysokości do 12,72 m

Budowa magazynowych zbiorników paliwowych na terenie Rafinerii grupy LOTOS w Gdańsku – 5 zbiorników operacyjnych dla instalacji nalewu paliw do autocystern, zbiorniki dwupłaszczowe o pojemności 1000 i 2000 m3, wyprodukowane metodą rulonową

Budowa magazynowych zbiorników paliwowych dla PKN ORLEN S.A. – baza Magazynowa nr 93 w Nowej Soli: 3 naziemne zbiorniki stalowe, walcowe, o osi pionowej, z dachem stałym o pojemności 100 m3, wykonane metodą rulonową.

Cyklony ze stali czarnej S235JRG2 dla elektrowni w Neapolu – urządzenia służące do wytrącania azotu z dymu przeznaczone ………………

170 ton konstrukcji kanałów ze stali czarnej S235 JRG2 dla duńskiej stoczni Burmeister & Wein.

Dostawa 2 zbiorników ze stali AISI 316L do nowopowstającej oczyszczalni ścieków dla producenta soków – reaktor IC u zbiornik recyrkulacyjny.

Reaktor ze stali kwasoodpornej 904L i mieszalnik ze stali 316L dla producenta koagulantów do chemicznego oczyszczania ścieków spółki z fińskiej grupy KEMIRA CHEMICALS.

Prefabrykacja płaszczy magazynowego zbiornika paliwowego V=2000 m3 o łącznej wadze 70 ton dla płockiej rafinerii PKN ORLEN S.A.

Wykonanie zbiornika dwupłaszczowego z podwójnym dnem o pojemności 1000 m3 na lekki olej opałowy typu Eksterm Plus dla instalacji oleju rozpałkowego na terenie Elektrowni PAK Pątnów II w Pątnowie k/Konina

Complex construction of reactors and tanks capacity 800-1400m3 for industrial waste water treatment plant WRIGLEY Poland together with technological pipings and fittings, in stainless steel AISI 304L.

Complex of tanks and reactors for brewery treatment plant Bosman Carlsberg in Szczecin, material stainless steel AISI 304L.

Support structures for industrial buildings and belt-conveyors for a factory on area of Arctic Paper in Kostrzyn, Poland.

Actiflocs in stainless steel for clients in USA.

Two mixing-tanks in stainless steel for chemicals producer Kemira.

Wbudowanie konstrukcji stalowych w obiekcie magazynowym na terenie browaru z grupy CARLSBERG.

Two stainless steel tanks capacity 18m3 for a client in France.

Construction of fruit-processing water treatment plant HORTEX consist of 1000 m3container and system of pipings and steering house

Budowa podczyszczalni ścieków na terenie zakładów przetwórstwa owocowego – budowa budynku podczyszczani ścieków, kompletny montaż wyposażenia i przewodów rurowych.

Two stainless steel tanks capacity 18 m3 for a client in France.

Stainless steel 904L pressure reactor for Kemira Chemicals Group in Poland.

Subcontractor works at treatment plant for pharmaceutical company Polfa Pabianice, assembly of Polyethylene tanks and PE pipings for filter-press.

Subcontractor works at waste water treatment plant in Szczecin, welding of stainless steel and construction of pipings out of PE , assembly and insulation works.

Conveyor transportation sets length ca 2000m for Chemical Plant “Police SA”.

Mounting of PAX chemical agent components installation for Kemira Chemicals Co Poland, civil engineering works, office steel housing, assembly of gauge meters equipment and other fittings.

Development of storehouse for Kemira Chemicals Co, foundations, concrete anti-effluent tray under production tanks, roads, sewage-pipings, pumping house in polymer-concrete.